Welcome to the SSPI Canada Chapter
The mission of the SSPI Canada Chapter is to stimulate the growth of the satellite industry in Canada, expand the research, innovation and development of the industry attracting world-class talent and promoting the development of satellite professionals. To fulfill our mission, the SSPI Canada chapter is also linked with several of our members in various industry bodies, education and government organization.
Join Us Today
If you share our passion for connecting with people networking with the industry, we invite you to join us at any of our networking events. While you can join our meetings and events without being an SSPI member, we live and highly value SSPI’s mission as our industry’s largest, most international and cross-disciplinary network of individuals and companies.
When you join SSPI, we invite you to consider joining the SSPI Canada Group.
Recent Webinars
Bridging the digital divide – the broadband challenge in Canada’s Arctic
Ground Segment: All Change for a New Satcoms Era
SSPI Canada Participation in World Space Week
World Space Week is an international celebration of science and technology, and their contribution to the betterment of the human condition. The United Nations General Assembly declared in 1999 that World Space Week will be held each year from October 4-10. World Space Week is coordinated by the United Nations with the support of the World Space Week Association (WSWA).
World Space Week consists of space education and outreach events held by space agencies, aerospace companies, schools, planetaria, museums, and astronomy clubs around the world in a common timeframe. World Space Week runs from Sunday, October 4 – Saturday, October 10.
SSPI hosted the Future Leaders Celebration as part of World Space Week this year.
The SSPI Canada Chapter was officially launched during the World Space Week!
Contact Details
Please contact Rosario Toxqui for more information on the chapter.
Chapter Board
President: Cristi Damian, Vice President Business Development, Comtech Satellite Network Technologies Corp. (a Canadian Corporation).
Vice President: Leslie Klein, Ph.D., P.Eng. President and CEO
C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
Board Members:
- Guillermo Mendoza-Suarez, PhD. Advisor, Research Development and Partnerships. Gina-Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. Office of the Vice-President, Research and Graduate Studies. Concordia University, Montreal.
- Kepler Communications
- Roland Renner, Hunter Communications Canada
- Lawrence Partington, TV2GO
Secretary: Rosario Toxqui, Director Marketing, Comtech Satellite Network Technologies Corp.